If you love to work for and with rural youth, AIAT may be a good place to volunteer. 

  • You can help us with communication and sports courses, up-cycling projects, courses on environmental issues such as water scarcity, air and plastic pollution or health.
  • Or you are a technical professional and have an idea of useful gadgets, can work with our students on projects and let them experience technology or train them in AutoCAD, CNC programming, PCB design, Welding and Fitter, English and Mathematics, etc. You can help us also in modern Pedagogic for vocational training.
  • You can also help us with our PR activities, such as corporate brochures, maintaining our presence in e-media, fundraising activities and marketing.

Your contribution is most welcome. Please contact us for further information:

Email: principal.aiat@auroville.org.in

PS: As per procedures for volunteers in Auroville we request that you apply through SAVI in Auroville for your volunteer work.

Email:     study@auroville.org.in

Website: http://auroville-learning.net