Guest lectures from inside and outside Auroville are part of extra curriculum activities. The main purpose is to create awareness on environmental, working in industry, career planning or on social issues such as alcoholism, violence, yoga and meditation, etc. Guest lectures were conducted by following companies and organisations: GT Electronic, Grace Infrastructure, Eaton, Lions Club, Auroville Health Service, Auroville Ecco Service, etc.
Guest lecture by Anne Schmeckies from KLH Germany - Eachonetechone

Guest Lecture in the CSR English class by the company Eaton

Guest lecture by EcoPro/Auroville on water and soil

Guest lecture by EcoPro/Auroville on water and soil

Guest lecture by Mr. Rajaraman, Senior Production Manager from EASU-MR company. He outlined how an ITI certificate holder can make a career.

Guest lecture by Mr. Rajaraman, Senior Production Manager from EASU-MR company. He presented career opportunities for ITI holders.