The move towards the work of the future has changed the landscape of the job market (Skill India report 2019). The Government’s investments in highways, renewable energy, airports and smart cities infrastructure have become the largest contributor towards jobs. The demand for skill has changed. Today there is a huge amount of unemployment among graduates as there is a mismatch in skill demand and supply. 

In this fast changing job market students and parents need career guidance to make the right decision for the profession, institute, skill and qualification level in demand under consideration of personal finances and aptitude. 

Over the past many years AIAT, supported by the Chief Education Officer in Villupuram and Director of Education in Pondicherry, is visiting Government Higher Secondary Schools of the region and conducts career guidance and awareness on environment to the youth of 10th to 12th standards. In 2018-2019 the AIAT staff conducted career guidance in 13 schools in Pondicherry and in Tamil Nadu.