Automatic touchless hand sanitiser designed and made by AIAT is now available on order!

Frequent washing hands with disinfection agents is essential to break the chain of infection of Covid-19. Especially school children and students are vulnerable. To protect them against Corona, schools and colleges are in need of robust, low cost, easy to maintain and reliable hand wash/sanitiser devices.

In March 2020 AIAT trainers and students demonstrated a functioning automatic hand sanitiser to the honourable MP Dr. Ravi Kumar. The trainers of Electronic Mechanic and Mechanical Engg. faculties of AIAT have redesigned this to a robust automatic hand wash/sanitiser suitable to be used in schools and colleges. (See pic. of the product.)

This automatic hand wash/sanitiser device is equipped with sensors and is programable. It has a 5 litre container for a liquid sanitiser or for a disinfection agent such as water mixed with Dettol (American Journal of Infection Control abstract supports scientific understanding and confirms actives in Dettol and Lysol are effective in breaking the chain of infection of Covid-19). The body of AIAT-hand sanitiser is made of steel. It is robust and easy to maintain and refill.

For more information and price inquires pl. contact: or call 0091 413 2671758.